Friday, July 1, 2022

Reading for July 9th

 Read Acts 7.40--50. In verses 40-41: On the story of the calf, see Ex 32. In verse 41: Idolatry is the most grievous sin in Israel, violating the first commandment. In verses 42-45: The book of the prophets may refer to a collection of the twelve minor prophets. The prophetic verdict of Amos 5.25-27 against Israel's idolatry is now cited not merely for exile beyond Damascus, but beyond Babylon. In verses 44-48: This scriptural argument turns against the Temple as God's dwelling place, because the Most High does not dwell in houses made with human hands (see v. 41 on idols and Paul's speech about temples in 17.24). In verses 49-50: the citation from Isa 66.1 further claims the whole creation as God's dwelling, made by "my hand." Ps 132.13-14, by contrast, affirms Zion as God's chosen habitation and resting place forever. Comments or Questions..

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