Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Reading for July 21st

 Read Acts 11.1-18. In verse 1: The ratification by the apostles is needed as in the Samaritan mission (8.14), now with controversy; see 15.4. In verses 2-3: So far in Acts, the circumcised believers appear to include all Christians in Jerusalem since this is the beginning of Peter's mission to the gentiles, the uncircumcised (15.1-2). eating with gentiles risked mixing clean and unclean food or eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols when it was slaughtered (Gal 2.12-14; 1 Cor 10.14-32). In verses 4-17: The story of Acts 10 is rehearsed. In verse 12: These six brothers are "circumcised believers" (10.45). In verse 17: God is the primary agent of this mission (vv. 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18). To interfere is to hinder or oppose God (5.39). In verse 18: In Greek, the definite conclusion of the argument is signaled by the word then, and God's gift to the gentiles is the repentance that leads to life. The opportunity to turn to God is itself a sign of divine mercy, not only a command (3.19-26; 5.31). Comments or Questions..

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