Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reading for November 25th

Read Judges 1.1-21
In 1.1-21: Successful conquests by Judah and Simeon.
In verse 1: In contrast to the complete conquest described in Joshua (Josh 11.23; 21.43-45), Judg 1 portrays an ongoing conquest that continued after the death of Joshua.
In verse 2: Judah's successes contrast with the comparative failures of the northern tribes (vv. 22-36).
Divine guidance in tactics and an assurance of victory were elements of the holy war tradition.
In verse 3: The tribes Judah and Simeon are personified as individuals.
In verse 8: This assertion is in tension with v. 21.
Jerusalem first became Israelite under David (2 Sam 5.6-9).
In verse 10: These accomplishments are credited to Caleb in v. 20 (and Josh 15.14).
In verses 11-15: The story of Achsah is duplicated in Josh 15.13-19.
She argues that she needs pools because she has received arid land (metaphorically, land of the Negeb).
In verse 16: The Kenites were a foreign group associated with Israel ( 5.24; 1 Sam 15.6).
They settled with the "people" Israel.
In verse 17: Hormah is a wordplay on the Hebrew word "herem," the holy war ban inflicted on it when Judah and Simeon devoted it to destruction.
In verse 19: Chariots with iron fittings gave battlefield superiority outside the broken terrain of the hill country.
In verse 21: Native Jebusites remained a distinct group in Jerusalem even after David captured of the city (2 Sam 24.18).
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