Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Reading for November 20th

Read 2 Corinthians 11.1-15
In 11. 1-15: Paul's love for the Corinthians.
In verse 1: Foolishness: this anticipates the fool's speech that follows (11.16-29).
In verse 2: The image is a father whose daughter has deeply disappointed him.
In verse 3: Gen 3.13.
Led astray suggest sexual seduction.
In verse 4: The opponents are obviously Christian.
Another Jesus probably means an understanding of Christ completely different from Paul's, perhaps one emphasizing Jesus' miracle-working power and resurrection to neglect of his human limitations and crucifixion.
Different spirit is possibly a different understanding of the Holy Spirit.
Their different gospel certainly placed them at odds with Paul (Gal 1.6-9).
In verse 5: Super-apostles: This doubtless Paul's label for his opponents (12.11).
It need not refer to the twelve apostles, but could be a derisive way of referring to competing missionaries.
In verse 6: He echoes their criticisms of him.
In verses 7-9: In keeping with the policy outlined in 1 Cor 9, he preached without pay.
Humbling myself refers to working to support himself.
Other churches: he received financial support from the Philippians (Phil 4.15).
In verse 11: His opponents may have argued: If he loved you, he would accept your money.
In verse 12: Equals: They wanted to have equal claim on the church.
In verse 13: The language is unusually harsh.
Apostles probably means "missionaries," rather than some of the twelve apostles (8.23; 12.11-13).
In verses 14-15: Calling them ministers of Satan intensifies the criticism.
Comments or Questions..

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