Monday, November 11, 2019

Reading for November 19th

Read 2 Corinthians 10.1-18
In 10.1-13: Paul defends his ministry.
In 10.1-11: Taking the offensive.
In verse 1: The character of Christ figures prominently in ch. 10-13 (11.4;Mt 11.29).
Humble ... bold: Paul mimics his opponents' description of him (v. 10).
In verses 2-4: Human translates "sarx" literally "flesh."
It denotes an outlook opposed to God and concerned primarily with oneself.
In verses 4-6: The military imagery serves to draw the battle lines between Paul and his opponents.
He sees the controversy as more than a battle of words; it is a conflict of a much higher order (Rom 13.12; Eph 6.10-17).
In verse 7: Paul's fidelity to Christ was an issue.
In verses 8-9: The source and nature of Paul's authority are concerns throughout this section (13.10).
In verse 10: This identifies two important criticisms; inconsistent behavior (1.15-22) and poor speaking ability (4.2;11.6).
In 12-18: Limits of self-promotion.
In verse 12: Commend themselves: Paul was probably accused of making himself the center of his preaching (3.1-3; 4.5; 5.12).
Now he criticizes his opponents for promoting themselves as a way of gaining favor.
In verse 13-16: Paul regarded Achaia as the region God assigned him.
He thinks the "super-apostles" (12.11) have invaded his territory.
he preferred to work where no on else had been (Rom 15.20).
In verse 17: Jer 9.23-24; see 1 Cor 1.31.
In verse 18: Paul consistently defers to God's judgment (1 Cor 4.3-4).
Comments or Questions..

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