Friday, September 14, 2018

Reading for September 22nd

Read 1 Peter 4.12-19 Suffering and the coming judgment.
In verses 12-14 Christian's suffering means sharing Christ's sufferings;
as Jesus was vindicated, they will be blessed, honored, and glorified (Mt 5.11-12).
In verses 15-16 suffering should never be punishment for immorality (2.19-20).
But dishonor for the name of Christian (Acts 11.26) means glory to God.
In verses 17-19 God's household is held to a higher standard than unbelievers,
as shown by Prov 11.31.
The proper duty of clients who suffer is to honor their faithful patron with loyal trust
(1 Cor 1.9; 1 Thess 5.24).
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