Thursday, September 13, 2018

Reading for September 21st

Read 1 Peter 4.1-11
In verses 1-6 The final judgment.
The hymn about Jesus leads naturally to the Day of Judgment.
In verses 1-4 Baptismal transformation means the end of life in the flesh but the
beginning of life according to the will of God.
Conversion means a clear break with the ways of one's neighbors,
who ridicule converts for their distinctive behavior (2.18-3.17).
In verses 5-6 judgment confronts all, good and bad, living and dead.
Christ proclaimed the gospel even to the dead so that all may be saved.
In verses 7-11 Final judgment: ideal response.
The judgment mentions above controls how we read vv. 7-11.
In verses 7-9 unlike their indulgent neighbors, Christians demonstrate
disciplined lives whose purity validates their prayers.
Avoiding indulgence, they maintain constant love and practice hospitality,
thus putting others before themselves.
In verse 10-11 God's gifts are a patron's benefaction to his clients.
Conversely, clients offer glory or honor to their patron in the doxology.
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