Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Reading for September 19th

Read 1 Peter 3.1-12
In verses 1-7 Wives and husbands.
In verse 1 in this exposition of patriarchal authority, wives should accept their husbands' authority.
In verses 2-5 honorable behavior resides in a heightened sense of purity, which here means
avoidance of expensive and seductive adornment.
Instead of outward glitter (hair, jewelry, or clothing), wives should adorn themselves with inner virtue, such as a gentle and quiet spirit.
As slaves imitate the example of the crucified Jesus, wives follow Sarah's example of obedience
to Abraham.
In verse 7 husbands reciprocate by honoring their wives.
Conjugal duties here reflect the ancient gender division of society, with males exercising authority
in public, while females, considered weaker, showed obedience in private.
In verses 8-12 Something for everybody.
In verses 8-9 Peter celebrates actions that bind the church together, such as unity, love, tenderness, and humility: There can be no envy or competition in the group, thus the deadly games of seeking honor are censured.
Moreover, all vengeance is forsworn, as Jesus mandated (Mt 5.43-45) and Ps 34.12-16 confirms.
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