Friday, May 10, 2024

Reading for May 17th

 Read 2 Samuel 15.13-37. In 15.13-16.14: David flees Jerusalem. In verse 16: Concubines were female slaves used for sexual purposes. In verse 17; The last house refers to the last house on the outskirts of Jerusalem. In verse 18: The Cherethites and Pelethites were related to or identical with Philistines who served as the royal body guard. Gittites were Philistines from Gath. All of these groups had followed David from his days with the Philistines. In verse 23: The wadi Kidron is the valley between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. David is heading east toward the Jordan. In verse 24: Abiathar and Zadok were David's two priests. In verses 31-34: David was disheartened to learn that his wise adviser, Ahithophel (see 16.13-23) had joined Absalom. He walked up the Mount of Olives (v. 30), he prayed for help against Ahithophel. His prayer was answered at the summit when he met Hushai, who would help him defeat Ahithophel's advice. In verse 37: David's friend may have been a title for an intimate adviser or 'best man." Comments or Questions..

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