Saturday, November 23, 2024

Reading for November 30th

 Read Luke 22.24-38. In verse 24: The foolish argument about who is the greatest which began in 9.46 again prompts teaching. In verse 30: In Israel's past, Moses appointed judges (Ex 18), rulers who led tribal Israel (see Judges). The twelve apostles will be assigned thrones of judgement over Israel's tribes in Jesus' reign (9.1;  Acts 1.17; Rev 7.4-8). In verses 31-34: Satan tests Israel's newly appointed rulers, you have turned back anticipates Peter's repentance (22.61-62). In verses 35-38: Only Luke tells this story about the word, depicting Jesus' unusual need for equipment (contrast 10.4) for scriptural reasons. Two swords are enough to justify charges of lawless behavior against Jesus and thus fulfill the prophecy of Isa 53.12 (see 23.39-41). Comments or Questions..

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