Sunday, September 15, 2024

Reading for September 22nd


In 1.5-2.52: This story is told by means of two angelic announcements (annunciations) of special conceptions (1.5-25, John and 1.26-38, Jesus), the mutual blessing of the mothers (1.39-56), two announced births (1.57-80; 2.1-40). These stories echo the birth of Samuel who anointed David as king of Israel (1 Sam 1-2; 16.13; see also Lk 3.21-22; Acts 10.37-38). 

Read Luke 1.5-25. In 1.5-25: The announcement of John's birth. In verse 5: Herod, "the Great," was an Idumean appointed king of the Jews by the Romans (see Mt 2; Lk 23.3, 12, 38). Zechariah and Elizabeth both have priestly lineage (1 Chr 24.1-19; Neh 12.4). In verse 6: Righteous before God means they observe the law (see Simeon and Anna in 2.25; Joseph of Arimathea in 23.50-51; Paul in Acts 24.16-18). In verse 7: In biblical history, God brought special blessing through children of once barren women (see Sarah and Isaac in Gen 16-21, and particularly Hannah and Samuel in 1 Sam 1-2). In verse 9: To be chosen by lot meant to be designated by God (see Acts 1.24-26). In verse 10: The incense offering was to be made in the morning and evening (Ex 30.7-8). In verse 11: The angel of the Lord is God's messenger Gabriel (1.19; see also Dan 9. 20-27). In verses 12-13: Fear in the presence of a divine manifestation is a sign of wisdom (Prov 1.7, see also Isa 6.5-6; Lk 1.65; 2.9; 5.26; 8.37; Acts 2.43; 5.5, 11; 19.17). In verse 15: Like Samuel (1 Sam 1.11), John's prophecy and spirit would not come from wine or strong drink (also see Hannah in 1 Sam 1.12-16), but from being filled with the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2.12-17). In verse 17: The spirit and power of Elijah means to call Israel to prepare for God's coming by repentance (see 3.3-17). In verse 18: Zechariah's question, "How will I know that is so?" is regarded as disbelief by Gabriel (see v.20 and Gen 15.8 17.17; 18.12-15, and contrast with Mary's question in v. 34). In verse 20: His mute condition is a temporary sign of judgement, awaiting inspired speech (1.64- 79; see also Acts 13.11). In verse 25: Her pregnancy is what the Lord has done for me (see Sarah and Hannah in Gen 16.2; 1 Sam 1.1-18). Comments or Questions..

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