Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Reading for June 28th

 Read Genesis 37.15-36. In verses 15-28: The changing of Joseph's clothes, here the stripping of his robe, will mark a major transition in his life throughout the story. Joseph moves from being a favored son to a hired slave. Joseph's brothers first plot to kill him, but Rueben (v. 12) and Judah (vv. 26-27) intervene to restrain them. Instead, they sell Joseph as a slave to some passing Midianite traders and Ishmaelites. Both of  these groups were descendants of Abraham and one of two women slaves, Hagar (16.15) and Keturah (25.1-4). Those whom Israel had formally enslaved turn around and enslave Joseph. In verse 33: The brothers show the bloodied robe to their father Jacob without explanation. Jacob himself draws the conclusion that a wild animal has devoured Joseph. In verse 34: Jacob tore his garments and wore course sackcloth, both traditional acts of anguish and mourning the dead (v. 29). In verse 35: Sheol is a dry, dusty  pit under the earth where the dead go at the end of their earthly existence. Comments or Questions..

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