Friday, June 17, 2022

Reading for June 25th

 Read Acts 1.12-26. In 1.12-26: Restoring the twelve. In verse 13: On the named apostles see also Lk 6.13-16. In verse 14: Luke again draws attention to the presence of the women at a critical occasion of God's action (Lk 8.1-3; 23.49; 23.5-10), specifically Jesus' mother Mary (Lk 1.35). In verses 15-20: Peter again affirms that the scripture had to be fulfilled (Lk 24.25-26, 44-47), and his first speech in Acts is a scriptural testimony interpreting what has happened on the basis of Ps 69.25 (68.26 LXX) and 109.8 (LXX 108). In verses 16-18: On Judas' active conspiracy, see Lk 22.3-6,47-48. On his death, compare Mt 27.5. In verse 22: On the baptism of John as Jesus' anointing by God, (see Lk 3.21-22; Acts 10.38). To be a witness to his resurrection (Gk., "martyr") will bring sufferings and death even to those who were not "eyewitnesses" from the beginning (Lk1.1; Acts 7; 24.14-21). In verse 23: Neither Joseph called Barsabbas nor Matthias is ever mentioned again in the New testament. In verse 26: Casting lots was a traditional Jewish practice for discerning God's choice (Lev 16.8; Nem 26.55; 33.54; Jos 19). The eleven must be restored to twelve because of Israel's twelve tribes (Lk 5.13; 9.1; 22.30; Acts 26.7). Comments or Questions..

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