Monday, June 27, 2022

Reading for July 5th

 Read Acts 5.33-42. In verse 34: A Pharisee could speak in the council with a different view of both resurrection (23.6-10) and inspiration than the Sadducees. In Acts 22.3, Paul claimed that Gamaliel was his teacher in the law (see Lk 5.17). In verse 36: Agreeing with Gamaliel abut true and false prophets (see also Deut 18.22), Josephus reported that Theudas claimed to be a prophet who could lead his followers through the Jordan like Moses or Joshua (Antiquites 20.97-98). In verse 37: Josephs (Antiquities 18.1-10; War 2.117-118; 7.252-258) confirms that Theudas the Galilean led an abortive revolt against the Roman census. In verse 39: Of course Luke regards opposition to the apostolic mission as fighting against God (11.17). In verse 40: Although they are released, they are not vindicated. The order against preaching remains in force, backed with flogging (Lk 23.220. In verse 42: The focus of their preaching in the Temple (5.20-21), remains that Jesus is the messiah (2.36; 10.36-38; 17.3). Comments or Questions..

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