Sunday, March 6, 2022

Reading for March 14th

Read Ezekiel 37.15-28 In 37.15-28: The two sticks. Ezekiel's symbolic action represents the unification of Israel and Judah under the rule of a Davidic king. See Isa 11, which also employs the image of a growing tree to symbolize the unification of Israel and Judah under a Davidic king. In verses 15-19: God instructs Ezekiel to write the names Judah and Joseph on two sticks (see Num 17.1-13). Judah is the southern kingdom, and Joseph is the father of Ephraim, the central tribe of the northern kingdom, Israel. Stick: Literally "tree" or "wood." In verse 20-27: Just as one gathers sticks for a fire (Isa 27.11), God will gather the exiles to establish them as one nation. Ezekiel draws upon the tradition of permanent Davidic rule (2 Sam 7: Ps 89; 132), the eternal covenant of peace granted to the preist Phineas the son of Eleaar and grandson of Aaron (Num 25 10-13; see also Ezek 34.25), and the role of the Temple as the center of both Israel and all creation (Ex 40: see also Gen 2.1-3). Comments or Questions..

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