Monday, December 13, 2021

Reading for December 21st

EZEKIEL'S INITIAL ORACLES AND SYMBOLIC ACTIONS In 3.16-7.27: These oracles and symbolic actions are concerned with the destruction of Jerusalem and fall of the land of Israel. Read Ezekiel 3.16-3.27. In verses 16-21: God describes Ezekiel's role as the sentinel or "watchmen" for Israel, who is reposnsible for the lives and moral guidance of the people (Jer 16.17; Hos 9.8; compare Isa 21.6). Like sentinels posted on the city walls to watch for danger (2 Sam 18.24; 2 Kings 9.17), gatekeepers are appointed from among the priests to guard the Temple (1 Chr 26). This role, which is developed more fully in ch 33, is consistent with ch 18. The prophet's reponsibility is presented in four cases. In verses 22-27: Ezekiel's isolation resembles that of Moses, who spoke directly to God in the tent of meeting (Ex 33.7-34.35; Num 11, and the high priest, who appears alone before God and the ark at Yom Kippur or the day of Atonement (lev16). Ezekiel's dumbness derives from his priestly role. The priests perform their duties on the altar in silence (Lev 16). Comments or Questions..

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