Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Reading for January 20th

Read Proverbs 6.20-35. In 6.20-35: The dangers of adultery. The teaching 's parents, once memorized, becomes a lamp the exposes the danger of an adultress (v. 23). Unlike a liaison with a prostitute, whose hire is only a matter of money, an affair with a married woman can destroy one's life, bringing upon one shame, physical beatings, and an enraged husband. The instruction focuses more on the practical consequences of adulttery rather than on its theoretical immorality. In verse 30: Theives are not despised: A comparison is drawn betwen getting caught for satisfying one's appetite for food (a euphemism for the sexual appetite) and getting caught for adulttery. In the first case, a monetary payment makes things right. In the second, money cannot repair the loss of one's position inthe community or protect one from the vengence of a deceived husband. Comments or Questions..

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