Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Reading for February 4th

Read Proverbs 16.16-33. In verse 16: Tradition of declares wisdom more precious than gold and silver (3.14; Job 28). Gold and silver can buy many things, but wisdom invites God to give the priceless gifts of long life, wealth, and honor. In verse 20: The saying declares that success and happiness depend both on God and on our own efforts. It does not explore theological issues arising from such an assertion. In verses 27-30: Sayings on three types of wicked people and their speech and demeanor. The first three verses begin with the Hebrew word "ish," tranlated "man" or "individual." The second line of each saying states the particular damage a villian's words inflict on others. The final saying (v. 30) sketches the facial mannererisms common to all malefactors; compare 6.12-15. In verse 33: A lot, similar to dice in giving varying results when thrown was given a designation "yes" or "no" and cast for it answer. See 1 Sam 10.16-26; Num 26.55; Josh 14.2. The answer was believed to be from God. Comments or Questions..

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