Monday, February 12, 2018

Reading for February 20th

Read Ezekiel 11.1-25
Ezekiel prophesies both judgment and restoration for the people.
In verses 1-4 the spirit or "wind" transports Ezekiel to the east gate of the Temple where he sees twenty-five officials, probably those worshiping the sun 8.16.
Their statement, "The time is not near to build houses," rejects Jeremiah's call to build and to plant
(Jer 1.10; 31.28).
The statement, "This city is the pot, and we are the meat," indicates their belief that Jerusalem is to be sacrificed (24.1-14).
In verse 5-13 God instructs Ezekiel to hold the twenty-five leaders responsible for the deaths of the people in Jerusalem.
In stating that the dead will become the meat, and the city the pot, Ezekiel turns their statement against them, but indicates that they will be excluded because the sacrifice of the city is meant to purify Jerusalem.
He alludes to their fear of foreign invaders and again turns their fears against them by stating that they will die at the borders of Israel (see 2 Kings 25.18-21; Jer 52.24-27).
The immediate death of Pelatiah son of Benaiah confirms Ezekiel's word
(compare Am 7.10-17; Jer 27-28).
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