Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Reading for February 15th

Read Ezekiel 7.10-27
The third oracle elaborates the imagery of the land's destruction in the "Day of the LORD."
In verses 10-11 the blossoming rod represents Aaron's rod, which designates Levi as the priestly tribe (Num 17), but Jeremiah, a priest descended from Eli (1 Sam 1-3), employs it as a sign of Judah's punishment (Jer 1.11-12).
The silver almond-shaped cap, recently discovered by archaeologists in Jerusalem, once adorned the rod of a priest.
the budding pride also translates as "insolence," indicating Ezekiel's view that the priestly rod is now employed for the punishment of Israel, just as Moses' rod punished Egypt (Ex 7-11).
In verses 12-13 normal life will end.
In verses 14-17 Ezekiel again takes up the imagery of sword, pestilence, and famine (chs. 5-6).
In verses 18-21 compare Isa 2.6-21, which anticipates that people will throw away their silver and gold idols on the "Day of the LORD."
In verse 22 God's intention to hide the divine face raises tremendous theological problems.
God's treasured place was the most holy place in the Temple.
In verses 23-27 the leaders are responsible for the punishment.
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