Friday, January 17, 2025

Reading for January 25th

 Read 2 Kings 23.15-30. In verses 15: On Jeroboam's altar at Bethel, see 1 Kings 12.25-33. In verses 16-18: The story of the man of God from Bethel is found in 1 Kings 13. In verses 19-20: According to these verses, Josiah's reforms reached as far as Samaria. He may have annexed at least part of the territory of the former northern kingdom as his own. In verses 21-23: On the Passover see Ex 12.1-32 and Deut 16.1-8. In verse 24: On mediums and wizards, see 21.6. Teraphim or "household idols" play a role in stories in Gen 31.33-35 and 1 Samuel 19.11-16. In verse 25: Josiah was incomparably obedient (22.1; Deut 6.5) as Moses was incomparable prophet (Duet 34.10), Solomon incomparably wise (1 Kings 3.12) and Hezekiah incomparably faithful (2 Kings 18.5). In verse 26: This statement is curious because 23.4-14 makes it clear that Josiah corrected Manasseh's apostasies. The writer is apparently struggling to find a theological reason for the Exile and ends up blaming it on Manasseh. In verse 27: This verse is a reversal of the doctrine in Deuteronomy of a chosen place. In verse 29: King Josiah's sudden death came as a shock to those who had placed trust in his reforms. Comments or Questions..

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