Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Reading for December 11th

 Read 2 Kings 2.13-25. In 2.13-25: Elisha as Elijah's successor. The stories here show that Elisha inherited Elijah's power as a man of God. In verses 13-14: Elisha picked up the mantle of Elijah which was a symbol of his prophetic power (1.8; Zech 13.4). He then struck the water of the Jordan with it and parted it just as Elijah had done (2.8) and much as Joshua did when he succeeded Moses (Ex 14.21-22; Josh 3.13-17). In verse 15: The company of prophets (see comment on 2.3)) recognize Elisha as Elijah's successor. In verses 16-18: Elisha knows that Elijah has been taken up and will not be found, but he acquiesces to a search at the insistence of the other prophets. In verses 19-22: Elisha's miraculous purification of the spring also shows that he has the power of Elijah. This story offers a etiological explanation for the renowned spring at Jericho that is still active today. In verse 23-25: This legend was preserved not for its high ethical quality but to show the power now vested in Elisha and how to teach that one should have respect for prophets. Comments or Questions..

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