Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Reading for June 12th

 Read Jude 1.14-25. In verses 14-16; Enoch to the rescue. Jude cites as authoritative a prophecy from 1 Enoch about the coming judgment. This pop document, although used by Second Temple Judeans and later Christian writers, was never judged to be canonical. Jude uses it here because it contains a many parallels with gospel traditions such as Mt 24.29-31. In verses 17-21: Prediction of heretics too. Another prediction announces that scoffers will come, the fulfillment of which bolsters Jude's repetition of predictions of the coming judgment. As the opponents lack faith, love, and  especially hope, Jude encourages the church to faithfulness, love , and hope (looking forward to the mercy of our Lord). Far from abandoning the opponents, he argues the addressees to have mercy on the wavering and to save others by snatching them from a fiery judgment. In verses 24-25: Letter closing. A doxology concludes the letter, beginning with acknowledgment of both God's protection of the church and the purification of the members. This demonstrates that right theology (confession of God's will and powers) leads to right morals. Supreme honor is paid to God: glory, majesty, power, and authority, similar to the hymn of praise in Rev 4.11. In contrast, the scoffers deny the powers of our Master and Lord (v. 4). Comments or Questions..

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