Friday, October 18, 2024

Reading for October 25th

 Read Luke 10.25-42. In 10.25-11.13: Jesus teaches the way of the kingdom. In 10.25-42: On practicing God's law of love. In verse 25: The lawyer is an interpreter of the scriptures (see also the ruler in 18.18). In verse 27: Jesus and the lawyer agree on combining Israel's great "Shema" on the love of God ("hear O Israel": Deut 6.4-9) with Lev 19.18b on the love of the neighbor. In verse 29: Luke often notes the tendency of the "righteous" to justify themselves rather than God (16.15; 18.9-14, 18-30). In verses 33-37: The Samaritan is not called "good" in Luke (see 9.52; Acts 8). He observed the law by showing mercy. In verses 38-39: In Jn 11.1-12.8: Martha and Mary both engage in discussion of the resurrection. Mary listened (Gk., heard his word) as a disciple 10.24). Comments or Questions..

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