Monday, February 26, 2024

Reading for March 5th

 Read 1 Samuel 14.47-52. In verses 47-48: These verses indicate Saul's military success as king. Moab, the Ammonites, and Edom were three countries on the other side of the Jordan from Israel. Zobah was an important Aramean (Syrian) city-state. The Amalekites were a nomadic tribe south of Judah. The reference to Saul's defeat of them is contradicted by the story in ch.15. In verses 49: Ishvi may be the same as Ishbaal, Saul's successor, who is otherwise not named in this list. In verse 52: The reference to Saul's draft of any strong or valiant is an appropriate introduction to the story of David beginning in 16.14. Comments or Questions..

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