Friday, July 7, 2023

Reading for July 15th

 Read Genesis 49.1- 33. In 49.1-33: Jacob's last words to his sons. Jacob's deathbed blessing of his sons is ancient Hebrew poetry, although the varied blessings and condemnations may reflect later historic fortunes and condemnations may reflect later historic fortunes (v. 28). In verses 3-4: Reuben should be exalted as Jacob's firstborn son, but he will be demoted in status because he defiled his father's bed. Reuben had a sexual relations with one of Jacob's concubines (35.22). In verses 5-7: Jacob's condemnation of Simeon and Levi stems from their leadership in the violent killing of the men of Shechem (34.25-26, 30). Jacob's pledge to divide and scatter them points to Simeon's absorption into the tribe of Judah (Josh 19.9) and Levi becoming a landless priestly tribe (Num 18.6-7, 20). In verses 8-12: The name Judah puns on the phrase shall praise you ("yoduka"). These verses anticipate the preeminence and prosperity of the royal line of King David who arose out out of the tribe of Judah. In verse 16: The name Dan plays on the verb judge ("yadin'). In verse 19; The name Gad plays on the words raided, raiders, and raid ("god"). In verses 22-26: This large section celebrates the future fertility and strength of the tribe of Joseph. In verses 29-30: Abraham's purchase of the burial cave is recounted in 23.1-20. Comments or Questions..

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