Friday, February 24, 2023

Reading for March 4th

 Read Zechariah 1.7-17. In 1.7-17: The first vision: The heavenly horsemen and God's plans for Jerusalem.  This is the first of eight visions that make up the core of Zechariah's prophecy. In verse 7: The chronological notice dates the entire vision complex three months later than Zechariah's opening speech, or early in 519 BCE. In verse 8: These horsemen are God's heavenly patrol, keeping watch over the world's affairs (v. 10). The significance of the horses' colors uncertain, but the number four represents totality. In verse 11: peace in this case is undesirable, since the plight of Jerusalem remains unchanged. In verse 12: The Babylonian exile lasted only 50 years (587-538 BCE) not seventy, but Jeremiah mentions a 70-year period of servitude to Babylon (Jer 25.11-12), to which Zechariah may be referring. In verse 16: The rebuilding of the Temple is the central concern of Zechariah's contemporary Haggai. Comments or Questions..

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