Saturday, April 23, 2022

Reading for May 1st

Read Revelation 11.1-13 The temple and altar represent the inner relity of the community, which will be protected, even while the outer relity (policcal, social, and economic well-being) is at the mercy of enemies. In verse 2: Forty-two months is the peiod of evil, the same as 1,260 days or three and half years. As half of seven,the period of evil is always incomplete, broken. In verses 3-4: The two witnesses dramatize what the temple scene symbolized: they are both conquerored and victorious. They represent the people of God, characterized both as king and priest (two olive trees; see Zech 4.12; Rev 1.6) and the two prophets, Moses (plagues; Ex7) and Elijah (shutting the sky; 2 Kings 17). Their quality as two emphasizes their functions as witnesses (Deut19.15). In verse 5: The fire from their mouth is their testimony (see Sir 48.1). In verse 7; The beast is prematurely shown here but will be introcduced in ch. 13. The war will become the theme of John's new prophecy (chs. 12-22; see 12-17). In verse 8: The great city is a complex symbol; here it stands for Jerusalem, later it symbolizes Rome (17.18). it is prophectically called Sodom and Egypt, places of opposition to God. This is a spiritual or symbolic geography (as is all of John's geography). In verse 9; The three and half days is yet another symbol for the period of evil. In verse 11: The inward possession of breath of life (the spirit) is the final testimony. Comments or Questions..

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