Sunday, February 13, 2022

Reading for February 21st

Read Ezekiel 28.1-19 In 28.1-19: Oracles concerning the rulers of Tyre. In verses 1-10: Self:deification, a frequent claim of ancient Near Eastern rulers. You are indeed wiser than Daniel: Ezekiel appartently holds the Tyrian king in high regard and compares him to Daniel (Heb., Dan El), the wise ruler of Canaanite mythology who stands behind the figure of Daniel in biblical tradition (14.12-20). Ezekiel charges that the king has overstepped his bounds. The mythological languge of descent into the sea and the Pit reappears. The uncircumcised are non-Israelites (see Gen 17). In verses 11-19: Signet: a sign of royal authority. Ezekiel employs the imagery of the Garden of Eden story to describe the Tyrian king's downfall. The prophet charges the king with currupt trade practices. Comments or Questions..

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