Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Reading for December 1st

Read Lamentations 1.1-11a. In 1.1-11a: A poet laments Jerusalem. As in many prophetic books (Hosea, jeremiah, Ezekiel), Jerusalem is personified as a woman. In a striking series of contrasts, she who was great is now destitite like a widow; once a princess, she is now a vassal, the underling in political leadership. In verse 2: Political allies are called Jerusalem's lovers (Hos 2.7). In verse 3; Exile, the conquering strategy of the neo-Babylonian empire, involved moving large amount of groups of people out of their homelands into new locations. In verse 4: Public activities (festivals and gates, where people gather) have ceased. Priests and young girls are among the many categories of people that the book shows as suffering. In verse %; The book repeatedly claims that the Lord has made her suffer. In verses 8-10: Nakedness may have a sexual connotation (Lev 18.6). Uncleanness refers to menstratuations (Lev 15.16-24). These conditions unrensify her shame, considered by the author to be as significant as physical suffering. The immediate mention of precious things and the invasion of her sanctuary, while on the surface referring to the Temple, mayhave sexual connotations as well. Comments or Questions..

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