Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Reading for August 26th

Weeping and lamentation In 8.4-10.25: Poetry resumes this section that continues to announce the impending cosmic battle and also ephasizes themes of weeping and lamentation. The only reponse left in the face of the community's stubborness and infidelity is to weep at the tragedy that is certain to come. The poem gathered here fall into four groupings: 8.4-7 continues to explain why the cosmic battle must come; 8.18-9.26 begins the weeping as if at a funeral for the nation; 10.1-16 contains a communal prayer of loyalty; 10.17-25 announces the exile as the enemy from the north comes closer. As in earlier chapters in the book, many voices announce, comment upon, or respond to the approaching disaster. Voices of Lamentation and weeping that appeared in 3.21; 4.19; 6.26; and 7.29 burst out here with abundant tears that flow from God, Jeremiah, and the people. Read 8.4-17. In 8.4-17: Why the attack will come. God speaks to Jeremiah in continued peplexity about the people's failure to repent. In verses 6-7: They behave like wild animals. In verses 8-9: Their punishment will be captivity. The aftermath of military attack shows wives and fields captured by others. In verses 10-12: The refrain of accusation from 6.13-15 is repeated here to explain why the invasion must occur. Everyone is deluted and everyone sins. In verses 14-15: The people speak in confusion and blame God for failing them. Their voice may reflect the feelings of the book's audience in exile, even though their speech is here set before the recounting of the tragedy. In verses 16-17: God replies by calling attention to the sound of the approaching battle. Comments or Questions..

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