Friday, July 30, 2021

Reading for August 7th

Read Jeremiah 1.1-10 In Chs. 1-10: Cosmic destruction. In Ch. 1: Jeremiah's call. In verses 1-3: The introductory verse tells who Jeremiah was and when he prophesied. He was from an family of priests from a town outside Jerusalem, Anathoth. His call came during the time of king Josiah and extended until the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon in 587 BCE, a 40-year period that symbolically links him with Moses' 40-year of leadership in the wilderness. Jeremiah is presented as a prophet like Moses, as promised in Deut 18.18. In verses 4-10: In a poetic conversation between God and Jeremiah, Jeremiah receives his mission. His call before birth indicates that his prophecy was not his own invention but given to him by God. His resistence on the grounds that he is only a boy and so cannot speak properly also indicates that God has sent him; he has not chosen the task for himself. God tells him not to be afraid, promises to be with him, and touches his mouth. This gesture symbolizes the divine orgin of the words Jeremiah speaks and the words recorded in the book. The book claims that Jeremiah's words are from God. In verse 10: Jeremiah is a prophet to the nations and will tear down and build up. This short poem gives Jeremiah and his book authority in the face of opposition. Comments or Questions..

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