Thursday, December 17, 2020

Reading for December 25th

Read Nehemiah 12.27-43. In 12.27-43: the dedication of Jerusalem's walls. This section briefly returns to a first-person style, similar to the other sections of the "Nehemiah memior." It recounts the elaborate dedication ceremony, with the community divided into two large portions processing along the walls until they meet at the Temple. The dedication is given a religious dimension with priests and Levities actively participating in the ceremony. In verse 27: They sought out the Levities in all their places: tThe Levities, who lived in common villages, were needed to ensure the full complement of music and praise. In verse 30: Purified themselves: A necessary preparatory step for a religious ceremony. Also necessary was the purification of the people, though purifying the gates and walls respresents a new level of concern for correctness. Such an act extends the arena of God's presence from the Temple to the entire walled city. In verse 36: And the scribe Ezra went in front in recognition of the importance of his contributions to the community. In verse 40: Both companies ... stood in the house of God: No formal entry into the Temple itself has preceded this point. This makes more sense if the entire walled city is being considered the "house of God." In verse 43: The joy of Jerusalem was heard: This offers a conclusion to the rejoicing and jubilation the community had experienced. Comments or Questions..

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