Friday, September 11, 2020

Reading for September 19th

Read 2 Kings 9.1-13 In 9.1-10.36: Jehu's revolt. In 9.1-3: The revoltis begun by Elisha. Again, the anointing of Jehu is apparently meant as a carrying out of the commission to Elijah (1 Kings 19.16). In verses 7-10a: These verses are an addition by the deuteronomist editor. They violate Elisha's order to anoint Jehu and flee (v. 3). They are also comparable to the prophetic oracles against the houses of Jeroboam (1 Kings 14.7-11), Baasha (1 Kings 16.2-4), and Ahab (1 Kings 21.21-24). As in 1 Kings 21.21-24, the dynasty here is referred to as the house of Ahab (vv. 8-9), even though it is actually the "house of Omri." The reason is the local role of Ahab's reign in 1-2 Kings and his reputation for being the worst king of Israel (1 Kings 21.25). In verse 11: In part because of such ecstatic experiences, a prophet was sometimes called a madman (Jer 29.26; Hos 9.7). In verse 13: By spreading their cloaks before him, the other commanders signal their submission to Jehu as their king (Mt 21.8). Comments or Questions..

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