Sunday, August 2, 2020

Reading for August 10th

Read 1 Kings 18.1-16
In 18.1-46: Contest on Mount Carmel.
In verse 3: Obadiah is loyal to Yahweh, his name means "servant of Yahweh."
In verse 4: There is no story preserved about Jezebel killing off the prophets of the Lord.
In verse 5: Ahab is more concerned about saving his animals than about his wife's slaughter of the Lord's prophets.
In verses 7-8: Obadiah calls Elijah my lord, but Elijah refers to Ahab as your lord, thus hinting that he is not pleased about Obadiah being a servant to such a wicked king.
In verse 12: Obadiah's fear about Elijah disappearance shows the aura of mystery and the power that surrounded the prophet.
In verse 15: Lord of hosts is a title for Yahweh indicating his authority over the armies or hosts of both heaven and earth.
Comments or Questions..

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