Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Reading for April 9th

Read 1 Samuel 28.8-25
In verse 8: Saul disguised himself because he was breaking his own law (v. 3) by visiting the woman.
In verses 11-12a: These verses are an insertion identifying Samuel as the ghost.
Originally, the woman recognized Saul because of his oath in v. 10 not to punish her.
In verse 13: The ground can also mean "the underworld."
Divine being can refer to a god or to a ghost or spirit.
In verse 14: The robe was Samuel's characteristic garment and the apparent means by which Saul recognized him.
In verses 17-18: These verses refer tot he story in ch. 15.
In verse 19: Tomorrow you and your sons shall be with me: They will be dead.
In verse 24: A fatted calf in the house: Livestock were typically kept on the ground floor of Israelite houses with sleeping quarters above them on the second floor.
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