Thursday, February 27, 2020

Reading for March 5th

Read 1 Samuel 13.23-14.23a
In verse 23: The battle begins with the Philistines' movement to the pass on their side of the valley.
In 14.1: The young man who carried his armor: The armor-bearer was a formidable soldier as the involvement of this man in battle shows.
In verse 3: The ephod was an object that was carried by priests and used to divine the will of God.
It was carried in priestly garments, which may explain why the same word was used for both (1 Sam 2.18).
The people is often used to mean an army.
In verse 6: These uncircumcised is a derogatory term for the Philistines.
In verse 13: Jonathan wounded the Philistines, and his armor-bearer finished them off.
In verse 19: Withdraw your hand: Saul had called Ahijah the priest with the intention of consulting the Lord through him (the Greek text reads "ephod" instead of "ark").
before receiving an answer to his inquiry, Saul decided to attack.
In verse 21: The Hebrews here are distinguished from the Israelites.
They are the first allied with the Philistines and then turn against them.
The may have been mercenaries of some kind.
Comments or Questions..

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