Sunday, January 19, 2020

Reading for January 27th

Read Ruth 1.6-22
In 1.6-22: Two return to Bethlehem.
Naomi decides to return the Bethlehem (reversing Elimelech's decision to go to Moab).
Her impassioned speech assumes that if she cannot offer Orpah and Ruth husbands then they have no future with her.
In verse 8-14: Told to return to the house of their mothers (house of the father" is more common), Orpah obeys Naomi, but Ruth clings to her (in Gen 1.24, this verb describes martial union).
In verse 16-17: Ruth beautiful poem of loyalty states her willingness to exchange her gods, family, and land in order to be with Naomi.
May the Lord do thus and so is a typical oath formula.
In verse 19-22: Naomi's silence, her insistence on being called Mara ("bitter") upon entry into Bethlehem, and her reference to returning empty indicate that Naomi is not initially comforted by the presence of her Moabite daughter-in-law.
Comments or Questions..

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