Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Reading for December 18th

Read Judges 9.22-33
In 9,22-33: The plot against Abimelech.
In verse 23: An evil spirit creates a relationship of mutual mistrust (1 Sam 16.14).
In verse 24: Israel believed that evil deeds spontaneously brought on their own appropriate penalty.
Violence and blood (bloodshed) would naturally rebound on the culprits.
In verse 25: A breakdown in civil order (compare 5.6) undermines Abimlech's authority and diminishes the collection of royal tolls.
In verse 26: Gaal and his relatives relocate to Shechem, but his nationalistic rhetoric (vv. 28-29).
In verse 27: Talk would be loose and emotions would run high at this celebration of the wine harvest.
In verse 28: Gaal's argument appeals to ethic pride: Abimelech is an upstart outsider.
Both Jerubbaal and Zebul (Abimelech's deputy, v. 30) once served the authentic native leadership of Shechem, the men of Humor.
Hamor was a renowned character from Shechem's past (Gen 33.19).
In verse 33: Zebul intends to make sure that Gaal and his troops come out against Abimelech (v. 38).
Comments or Questions..

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