Monday, September 9, 2019

Reading for September 17th

Read Romans 15.1-13
In verses 1-6: Helping the weak.
In verses 1-2: The previous discussion is summarized well here.
In verse 3: Ps 69.9.
In verse 4: Whatever was written in former days refers to the previously quoted psalm, but applies to the Old Testament scriptures generally (1 Cor 10.11).
In verse 5: The concluding prayer for harmony echoes earlier advice (12.16, Phil 2.2).
In verses 7-13: Concluding appeal.
In verses 7-8: Christ's example influences Christian behavior 3.26; 2 Cor 8.9).
In verse 8: Servant of the circumcised indicates Christ's service to Jews (Gal 4.4-5), whose patriarchs received the promises that gentiles would receive God's blessing (4.13; 9.4).
The following Old Testament quotations include gentiles in God's purpose.
In verse 9; Ps 18.49; 2 Sam 22.50.
In verse 10: Deut 32.43 (Hebrew text).
In verse 11: Ps 117.1.
In verse 12 Isa 11.10.
In verse 13: Paul prays for the vision of 14.17 to be realized.
Comments or Questions..

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