Friday, August 30, 2019

Reading for September 7th

Read Romans 10.1-13
In verses 1-4: Paul's prayer for Israel.
In verses 1-2: Paul speaks of Israel (9.31-33).
In verse 3: Righteousness that comes from God: 1.16-17.
In verse 4: The end of the law: Christ either abolishes the law or its goal, probably the latter (3.21-22).
In verses 5-13: Righteousness through faith.
In verse 5: Lev 18.5.
The emphasis here is on living by doing.
In verse 6a: Deut 9.4.
In verse 6b: Deut 30.14.
Faith does not try to locate Christ "out there" but rather express an inner conviction believed with the heart and expressed with your lips.
In verse 10: What the heart believes, the mouth confesses.
In verse 11: Isa 28.16.
No distinction: Jews and gentiles are justified the same way (3.30).
In verse 13: Joel 2.32.
Comments or Questions..

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