Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reading for August 8th

Moses prepares to construct the tabernacle
In 35.1-36.7: This section begins an extensive unit dealing with the actual construction of the tabernacle (chs 35-40).
The tabernacle is the tangible and mobile sign of God's presence in the midst of the Israelites as they leave Mount Sinai and travel through the wilderness to Canaan.
The instructions for building the tabernacle were first given in chs 25-31.
The golden calf crisis (ch 32) had endangered the tabernacle project.
However, the resolution and new covenant in chs. 33-34 enabled the tabernacle construction to move forward.
The construction obediently follows the instructions that were given previously.
The detailed nature of the instructions and process for building the tabernacle resembles the detailed account of the building of Solomon's Temple (1 Kings 6-8) and detailed character of Ezekiel's promise of a new Temple in Jerusalem (Ezek 40-43).

Read Exodus 35.1-35
In verse 2-3: Just as the sabbath law had concluded the instructions for building the tabernacle (31.12-17), the sabbath law now introduces the actual work of construction.
In verses 22-29: the people offer willingly what they have for the tabernacle.
Presumably some it included the gold, silver, jewelry, and clothing that the Egyptians gave them when they fled Egypt (12.35-36).
In verses 30-35: The passage about Bezalel and Oholiab elaborates 31.1-5.
The divine spirit gives them knowledge in every kind of craft (v. 31) as in 31.3.
Additionally, the spirit of God inspired them to teach others their skills (v.34).
Comments or Questions..

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