Friday, February 8, 2019

Reading for February 17th

Read Genesis 14.1-24 The rescue of Lot and the blessing of Abram.
In verses 1-11 a coalition of kings from the east attacks the area around Sodom and Gomorrah.
Shinar (v. 1) is probably Babylon (10.10; 11.2).
Most of these names of kings are not known historically from other ancient sources.
In verse 12 the mention of Lot the son of Abram's brother, gives the reason the story is included.
The story suggests that Lot's choice of this initially attractive land
may not have been so wise (13.10-11).
In verses 13-16 Abram's small band of 318 fighters is able to defeat the coalition
of forces from the east.
Abram rescues Lot and his family.
Abram's concern for Lot is an example of Abram as a blessing to other families of the earth (12.3).
In verses 17-18 two kings of Sodom and Salem come out to thank Abram for defeating the eastern kings who had attacked them.
Salem is another name for the city of Jerusalem (Ps 76.2).
The Canaanite king, Melchizedek of Salem, was also a Canaanite priest of a god named
God Most High (v. 18).
The title "Most High" or "God Most High" is an ancient divine title used also for the LORD
in the Old Testament (Num 24.16: Deut 32.8) and especially in the Psalms (Ps 57.2).
Abram himself links Melchizedek's God Most High with the LORD in 14.22.
The king-priest Melchizedek is not known from other historical sources.
He is mentioned only once elsewhere in the Old Testament, in a psalm or blessing
addressed to one of Israel's later kings (Ps 110.4).
In verses 19-24 Abram again show great generosity to people of other nations.
He is a blessing to other families of the earth (12.3).
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