Thursday, January 17, 2019

Reading for January 24th

Read Mark 15.1-15 (Mt 27.1-2; Lk 23.1; Jn 18.28-32) Trial before Pilate.
In verse 1 see comment on Mt 27.1-2.
In verses 2-5 (Mt 27.11-14; Lk 23.2-5; Jn 18.29-19.16) Pilate has political concerns;
Jesus responds indirectly and again (see 14.61) refuses to defend himself.
In verses 6-15 (Mt 27.15-26; Lk 23.18-25; Jn 18.38-40; 19.4-16).
In verse 6 see comment on Mt 27.15.
In verse 7 Barabbas means "son of the father."
This insurrection, unidentified, suggests political rebellion.
In verse 15 Pilate takes the expedient route; later Christian traditions will increasingly
exonerate him and vilify the Jewish leaders and people.
Comments or Questions...

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