Sunday, November 11, 2018

Reading for November 19th

Read Zechariah 3.1-10 The fourth vision: Joshua's installation as high priest.
This vision may have been a later addition to the vision sequence; it does not open with the question and answer exchange between Zechariah and the interpreting angel that begins the other visions. 
In verse 1 the term Satan does not refer to the prince of evil familiar from early Christian writings.
It is a common noun, not a name, in Hebrew and means "adversary" or "accuser" (see note g), that member of God's  heavenly court designated to bring cases against individuals someone who has survived God's judgment of Israel and Judah (Am 4.11).
In verses 3-5 the reclothing of Joshua symbolizes his sanctification for priestly office (Lev 8.6-9).
In verse 7 my house is the Temple in Jerusalem. 
In verse 8 my servant and the Branch are royal titles used of the Davidic dynasty 
(2 Sam 7.5; Jer 23.5) and may be used here of Zerubbabel (4.6-10a; Hag 2.23), 
governor of Judah and a member of the Davidic family.
In verse 9 the seven-faceted stone and its inscription are images of royalty 
(2 Sam 12.30; 2 Kings 11.12).
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