Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Reading for April 19th

Chs. 33-48 after the fall of Jerusalem (33.21-22), the book emphasizes restoration for 
Israel (chs. 33-39) and the Temple (chs. 40-48).
Chs. 33-39 Oracles or restoration for Israel.
News of Jerusalem's fall enables Ezekiel to speak (3.22-27).
Many attribute Ezekiel's earlier silence to prophetic practice, but his priestly identity 
calls for him to serve at the altar in silence.
After the fall of the Temple, he can speak.

Read Ezekiel 33.1-33 Ezekiel's responsibilities as Israel's sentinel.
In keeping with the role of the priest to observe god's requirements for Temple service, 
the prophet now stands as sentinel or "watchman" on behalf of the people so that they 
will observe God's requirements.
In verses 1-9 God establishes the analogy between the role of the prophet and that of a 
sentinel who stands watch over a city.
The sentinel is not responsible for the fate of the people if he warns them, but he is fully 
responsible if he does not.
The passage presupposes that the threat of death for the wicked can be reversed if they 
change their ways.
In verses 10-20 see 18.21-32 on individual moral responsibility.
Ezekiel debates with those who believe that past righteousness can deliver someone 
who commits sin later in life and vice versa.
In verses 21-22 in the twelfth year ... in the tenth month ... the fifth day: January 19, 585 BCE.
The prophet first receives word of the Temple's fall, and now speaks freely.
In verses 23-29 Ezekiel counters the claim that the inhabitants of these waste places, desert nomads, will take control of the land.
Ezekiel argues that they will be destroyed because they do not observe God's requirements for holy life in the land (Lev 17-18).
In verses 30-33 God charges that people come to hear Ezekiel but will not do as he says.
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