Thursday, October 17, 2024

Reading for October 24th

 Read Luke 10.1-24. In 10.1-24: He sends out seventy. In verse 1: The seventy (or seventy two) probably correspond to the seventy elders chosen by Moses from the twelve tribes (see 9.1-12), plus Eldad and Medad (Ex 24.1, 9; Num 11.16, 24-30). Early Christian missionaries regularly traveled in pairs (Acts 8.14; 15.32, 40). In verse 2: The harvest is the long promised gathering of Israel (Isa 27.12). In verse 5: Peace to this house is an official greeting, traditional from the time of King David (1 Sam 25.6) In verses 8-12: Unlike many approaching rulers, the coming of this kingdom is not coercive, but its consequences will be profound on that day, at the divine judgment (v. 14), as in God's destruction of Sodom (Gen 19.15-28). In verse 15: The prophetic woe on Capernaum echoes Isa 14.11, 13-15. In verses 16-20: The divine authority of those who are sent derives from Jesus' identity (see also 10.22). The fall of Satan is a hope of the end time (Rev 12.7-9; 20.2-3). In 21-23: The presence of the Holy Spirit is the mark of the Father's reign. These verses became central to later Christian teaching of the Holy Trinity. In verses 23-24: This saying presents the promise of the prophetic warning of Isa 6 (see 8.10). Comments or Questions..

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Reading for October 23rd


In 9.51-19.27: This section is an extended journey narrative of the departure or "exodus" Jesus fulfilled by going to Jerusalem (9.31). Luke's repeated reminders that Jesus is on this journey reveal the literary significance of following him on the "way." This larger section is organized into three-phase journey (9.51-13.21; 13,.22-17.10; 17.1-19.27). 

Read 9.51-62. In 9.51-13.21: Jesus faces toward Jerusalem. In 9.51-62: He sets his face. In verse 51: The prophet Isaiah also set his face "like flint" (Isa 50.7), and Ezekiel was called to "set your face toward Jerusalem" in order to prophesy against the sanctuaries (Ezek 21.1-2). In verse 52: The Samaritans did not recognize the Temple in Jerusalem (Jn 4.19-20). In verse 54: Elijah brought fire down from heaven to consume those who rejected his message. In verse 58: Here the Son of Man speaks of the human, suffering Jesus (9.22, 44), not judge of the end (9.26), In verse 59: The burial of father is a profound Jewish obligation (Gen 50.5; Tob 4.3). Comments or Questions..

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Reading for October 22nd

 Read Luke 9.37-50. In 9.37-50. In verses 37-43: He heals a possessed boy. On the only son, see 7.12. In 9.43b-50: He speaks firmly to his disciples. In verse 45: This verse emphasizes the disciples' inability to understand Jesus' predictions of suffering as due to God (its meaning was concealed from them, see Isa 6 cited in LK8.10). In verse 46: The argument about who was greatest is even more negatively recounted in Mark 9.33-37. In verse 50: Mk 9.38-41 has a fuller account of the strange exorcist. Comments or Questions..

Monday, October 14, 2024

Reading for October 21st

 Read Luke 9.28-36. In 9.28-36: He is revealed as the chosen Son of God. The mountain, the dazzling white clothes, Moses and Elijah, his glory, the cloud, and the voice from heaven are all biblical dimensions of a divine appearance (epiphany). In verse 30 Moses and Elijah has miraculous endings of their lives. In verse 31: Jesus' departure in Greek is his "exodus," which is something he will accomplish at Jerusalem (see his "baptism" in 12.50). In verse 33: The dwellings are "tents" of the Jewish feast of booth (Deut 16.13). 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Reading for October 20th

 Read Luke 9.18-27. In 9.18-27: He is revealed as the messiah and predicts his death. In verse 20: The repeated question of who Jesus is (9.9, 18) receives the decisive answer of Messiah of God (see the demons in 4.41), and this royal title will be the charge for his execution (22.67; 23.35-37). In verses 21-22: This is the first of several predictions Jesus makes of his death (9.43-45; 12.50; 13.33; 18.31-34). In verse 26: The son of Man is the judge at the end time (Dan 7.13). Comments or Questions..

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Reading for October 19th

 Read Luke 9.10-17. In 9.7-10: He feeds the 5,000. This section agrees closely with Mark's sequence (see Mk 6.32-44). The feeding story is filled with reminders of God feeding Israel in the wilderness and Elijah feeding 100 men (2 Kings 4.42-44). It also anticipates the Passover supper in Lk 22 (taking the loaves, he blessed, broke, and gave). Comments or Questions...

Friday, October 11, 2024

Reading for October 18th

 Read Luke 9.1-9. In 9.1-50: Jesus, the Christ and chosen of God. In verses 1-6: He authorizes the twelve. The power and authority of the twelve is directly tied to their commission as agents of the kingdom of God within Israel (see 6.13; 22.30). In verse 3: They are sent without staff and bag of provisions for wandering philosophers (see 10.4-5). In verse 5: To shake the dust off is an act to declare freedom from responsibility (10.11; Acts 13.51). In verses 7-9: He provokes Herod. Herod's appearance is ominous (3.1), anticipating his threatening return in 13.31. The link with Elijah again is strong (7.26-27; 9.19). Comments or Questions..